Sunday, 17 June 2012

Sewing With Little Fingers!

This week after much begging from my children, I agreed to do a craft class with some of their classmates.  I opened up my fabric box and told them to choose some that they like the best.  And before long the kitchen table was covered in squares of felt, balls of wool, ribbons, various coloured spools of thread and piles of buttons.
I never really expected to enjoy it quite as much as I did.  I put on some music and we sang along to the songs. We joked and laughed.  And indeed we prodded our fingers with sewing needles lots as we whipped stitched little fabric hearts or made felt and button brooches.
I must admit that I find it much easier to show kids how to sew or knit than I do adults.  I can't exactly explain why either.  Maybe it is because they ask simpler questions.  Or maybe it is because they don't expect any more of you than to be yourself and for you just to share with them what you know.  I will definitely be doing one again.  But maybe not three hours long again.!!!

1 comment:

  1. Teaching kids rocks. Adults have far too many expectations and are much more inhibited...its harder work!


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