Wednesday, 2 May 2012

My Favourite Place in the World

In November I travelled to Germany to get some help with my fight between pain and pain relief. Thanks to my brother, the little guy in the picture, I was able to do a month long course of EFT with the brilliant Karin.  On the weekends we drove around the Alps and saw some of the most beautiful sights imaginable.
It was a life-changing experience for me and I'll be ever grateful to my brother for giving me the chance to see what life still has to offer and to realise that I am still capable to fulfil some of my dreams.
Thanks Big Bro!
This was a small secluded lake that we found when on one of our drives.  It was the most peaceful place I've ever been and gladly sat for hours on the rocks long the lakeshore. I will return soon to Germany and my lake.

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