Thursday, 31 May 2012

Sewing Lessons for Lucy

 I have not been to my blog for over a week now.  The incredible weather here has kept me busy in the garden and spending time with the kids.  And as you know, in Ireland we learn to make the most of every single ray of sunshine that we get because it may just be another year before it shows itself again.
What I have been doing though is some sewing lessons with my little girl.  I was amazed to watch her as she took to the stitches with ease.  Each different type of stitch that she practised getting neater and neater in a short time. I had bought her a sewing book called Sewing School for Christmas and it was one of the best kids books on the subject that I've found.  It contains lots of easy ideas for little hands and full size paper patterns to cut out.  It was from this that she made her little teddy Daisy! With very little help from me, she picked out and sewed on the buttons and carefully stitched the seams and finally stuffed it last thing before bed. She was so pleased with the result that she even bought it in for her Show And Tell the next day.

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